Thursday, 7 April 2011

When there is sun, there are shadows

"If we shadows have offended, 
Think but this, and all is mended, 
That you have but slumber'd here 
While these visions did appear."
-- William Shakespeare

More glorious weather for us Parisians. Perfect, clear fresh cloudless days. With sun, comes warmth, blue skies, bright light and shadows. Lots of shadows. I've been collecting them. I love this stone vase, it looks like it has roots.
Here are some simple but crisp shadows I saw in the park yesterday.
Here's a window grill casting a lovely shadow, up by the Place de Tertre.

This afternoon I was wondering where I could find some more interesting shadows and decided to go to the Cimetière de Montmartre. I figured that with all the elaborate wrought iron and stone details on the tomb stones I would find good shadows. I was not disappointed.
Here, have some roses.
In a city like Paris, you also get shadows at night.

And in the playground, if you look carefully, you can find some odd little monsters.


  1. I love how you choose a theme for many of your posts and the number of situations you can find along each theme; very inspiring!

  2. Thank-you Nancy! It's always a lot of fun when I have a good theme 'en tête' and go out on the 'hunt'. Equally, I love it when I have no particular idea for a theme but then find one on my travels.


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