Monday, 20 December 2010

More snow

Yes, more snow in Paris on Saturday night and Sunday morning, and again this morning. Lots more. As I went up the hill to the bakery I saw cars slithering across rue Lepic as they tried to make it up La Butte (cars behind, naturally hooting their patiently). There were no anglophone Sunday papers in the newsagent as the delivery folk hadn't been able to 'make it up the hill'. In years to come we'll still be talking about the winter of 2010, when it snowed 10cm and we couldn't make it up the hill. 

Well as usual I had my camera slung round my neck so took a few photos. Jardin Burq was closed but I poked the camera through the fence. It's rare to see this park so quiet and empty.
I then made my way up to Place Ravignan, accompanied by pigeons.
Place Ravignan was looking as gorgeous as ever.

The café at the lower end of the Square had put a few tables outside, but was not anticipating any intrepid smokers.
The Moulin de la Galette looked rather lovely covered in snow.
Square Junot was actually open, surprisingly, but not a lot of action on the climbing frame.
St Denis, or as the 6 year old mysteriously calls him, 'Los Angeles' looked very forlorn.
I walked down the middle of Avenue Junot, because I could!
And eventually I made it to the bakery. Mmmmm...


  1. Fabulous pictures as usual. I had a 'Don't Look Now' moment at the photo of Place Ravignan when I saw the little red hooded girl (or was she?)

    Hope you make it back to the UK but I can think of worse places to be stuck than Paris

  2. He he, I never saw her face now you mention it!

  3. what you do with all them cakes?(brill pics bytheway!)


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